Boom Reels
Rigid Fence Boom
Oceancare has over 3500 metres of fence booms (1.2m wide), which are spread across various Boom Reel Stations strategically-located around Malta’s different ports for quick deployment. This includes:
- 450m of rigid fence boom at Delimara Power Station
- 500m of rigid fence boom at the Evos Terminal
- 800m of rigid fence boom at Malta Freeport Terminal
- 500m of rigid fence boom at Boiler Wharf, Senglea
- 250m of rigid fence boom at MMH
- 1000m of spare fence boom at the Boiler Wharf Shed, Senglea

Offshore Inflatable Booms
For containment of mixtures at sea, Oceancare is equipped with 250 metres of inflatable offshore boom. Situated on the oil recovery vessel Moor, this rapid response, single point inflation boom can be deployed in 14 minutes. This boom has excellent wave following characteristics which means that it contains oil extremely well, eliminating the vortices and splashover which may occur with less flexible booms. The boom is inflated using compressed air, supplied from an independent Yanmar air compressor unit.
The boom itself is divided by internal bulkheads, every 3-5 metres, to form independent chambers sealed by one way valves. So if a chamber is damaged, the chambers to each side will support the deflated area and maintain the integrity of the boom.